How Past Sexual Encounters Shape Women’s Aura and Karma

Angela, a Goddess Guest, in a Temple of Shakti Aura Cleansing Ceremony” Goa India 2019

When we are born, we acquire both our physical body that we see in the mirror and our subtle body, which includes our thoughts, energy, and mind. These bodies allow us to experience love unconditionally through our interactions with others. On a subtle level, we are constantly exchanging energies with everything and everyone around us. Men and women engage in daily energy exchanges through various means such as glances, conversations, and thoughts. However, there are differences in how they express and project this energy, which can be observed in grooming practices like nail care, tattoos, and haircuts. Particularly during sexual encounters, this energy exchange becomes very powerful. The energy and particles from a past sexual partner can remain in a woman’s subtle body for about nine years.

As Women journey through adulthood, transitioning from one relationship to the next, you often overlook the lingering remnants left behind. The toothbrush, the cell phone charger, the clothes and the emotions past partners left tend to dominate their thoughts post-breakup. But what about their energy? Does it depart along with them and their personal belongings? Unfortunately, not quite.

The Impact of Engaging in Multiple Sexual Partners and Fake Tantra Practices

The ancient Shakti science and Feminine wellness system strongly assert that engaging in multiple sexual partners, participating in open relationships, or practicing Tantric activities without understanding partners’ negative masculine energy and past karma can obstruct a woman’s Shakti and sexual energy, and Swadhistana chakra. This obstruction can lead to a range of issues, including female health complications, challenges in maintaining long-term relationships based on love and mutual support, infertility, difficulties in starting a family, attracting suitable partners, divorces, internal emptiness, lack of energy, creativity, and motivation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that individual experiences may vary significantly. Seeking guidance from Feminine Shakti advisors can provide personalized support, healing, and cleansing of these energy blockages.

Western Commodification and Challenges in Modern Sacred Circles and Tantra Workshops
Modern-day Western Tantra workshops often prioritize eroticism and sexual experiences over the sacred purity and reverence for women, resulting in the accumulation of dark masculine karma energies within women’s Shakti and aura, affecting the sanctity of their divine Yoni temple.

In today’s era, the Western commodification of sacred ancient Shakti healing practices within Tantra and Shaktism has compromised the purity of these traditions, resulting in potential harm rather than benefit for women involved in such practices. As a consequence, sacred circles, Tantra workshops, and festivals have become inadvertent sources of Shakti energy disturbances for women participants. Through my journey of Shakti healing, I have encountered numerous women, referred to as Goddess Guests, who arrived in India seeking healing after experiencing disruptions in their feminine Shakti due to participation in various Tantra festivals and workshops. These women engaged in physical embraces, touching, and sexual encounters with unfamiliar male partners, unaware of the karmic implications and dark energies that could be transmitted into their Shakti aura. In many instances, addressing these issues required an in-depth analysis of their unique feminine Shakti imbalances and subsequent cleansing rituals and worship for deep healing.

The Lasting Impact of Sexual Intercourse: Understanding the Effects on Feminine Shakti

In the realm of intimate connections, the act of sexual intercourse, whether imbued with love or not, forges a profound bond that endures long after the encounter. Within this exchange lies a potent intermingling of subtle bodies and a transfer of karmic energy between partners. Even after parting ways, the remnants of this connection linger, persisting for up to seven years in a woman’s subtle being. During this time, she finds herself navigating not only her own karmic tasks but also those inherited from her previous lover. Consequently, she may find herself depleted, lacking the vital energy necessary for her own journey and potential partnership with the right companion. This intricate dance of energetic exchange underscores the profound impact of women’s intimate connections on both their individual paths and collective destinies.

The Intricacies of Energetic Exchange and Residual Energy

The residual energy within you, encompassing your spirit and feminine aura, has undergone a transformation. While this phenomenon applies to both men and women, Shakti science emphasizes its heightened significance for females. According to ancient Shakti principles, women are inherently receptive, leading to a more potent energy exchange during sexual encounters. This aspect contributes to the typically deeper emotional nature of females.

For those unfamiliar with concepts like aura or energy transfer, consider this: Have you ever entered a room where an argument just took place? Although you didn’t witness or hear the argument, could you sense the lingering tension? This is the essence of energy — a frequency that not only comprises us but also surrounds us. The energy frequency in the room shifts after such events.

Moreover, beyond emotions, a part of your partner becomes intertwined with you both physically and energetically. Recent studies have even revealed traces of the baby’s and father’s DNA persisting in a mother’s womb post-childbirth. This interconnectedness highlights the depth of energetic exchange and its tangible effects on our being.

The Shakti Transformation After Clearing Sexual Energy
Ela, a Goddess Guest, at the Shakti Aura Cleansing Ceremony” Goa India 2019

Thankfully, cleansing your aura is much simpler than scrubbing away DNA. From my experience working with personal Goddess clients, I’ve found that the most challenging aspect of this process is confronting buried emotions tied to past partners, some of whom you may have long forgotten or wish to forget. But once the cleanse is complete, you’ll notice remarkable changes: your physical body may feel lighter, your mind clearer, your heart healed, and a newfound sense of self-awareness that’s truly invaluable.

Once you’ve successfully cleared yourself of another’s sexual energy, a transformative Feminine Shakti journey awaits. Initially, this newfound clarity may come as a revelation, shedding light on aspects of your life that were previously obscured. You’ll likely notice tangible shifts both physically and emotionally: a surge of energy revitalizing your being, accompanied by a sense of liberation and renewal. As you embark on this sacred Shakti journey, life itself seems to respond in kind, presenting fresh opportunities and igniting newfound passion for new projects and endeavors. The heaviness dissipates, replaced by a luminous Goddess aura of positivity that permeates your existence, making life feel lighter, brighter, and remarkably easier to navigate.

The Sacred Ceremony: Experience the “Temple of Shakti Aura Cleansing
Goddesses Embracing Guided Shakti Healing at The Shakti Journey Retreats 2018 Goa India

If you’re currently in a relationship, single, or on the quest to find your soulmate, taking the time to clear out lingering energy from past relationships can make a world of difference in your current and future endeavors. I strongly recommend cleansing your past relationship energy karma. It’s not just my advice—it’s backed by research and countless personal experiences. In fact, statistics show that a whopping 75% of relationships, particularly in Western countries, encounter unhappiness and breakups. You don’t have to take my word for it; a quick fact-check on the internet or reflecting on your own relationship journey will confirm this reality.

Goddess Guest during her transformative Shakti Aura Cleansing Ritual. Shakti Journey Retreat Goa 2019

In your Goddess Glow retreats, one of the most cherished experiences is the opportunity to participate in the ancient and authentic Feminine Shakti Healing and Balance Ritual and Ceremony. Among the array of transformative Shakti practices offered. This sacred ceremony is known as the “Temple of Shakti Aura Cleansing”

Here’s a glimpse into the transformative Shakti Aura Cleansing Ceremony . This sacred Shakti ceremony spans three hours, punctuated by brief breaks for integration and rejuvenation.

  • Purification Ritual: The ceremony begins with a purifying ritual to cleanse the physical and energetic body. During the Purification Ritual, Goddess Guests takes a sacred bath designed to cleanse both the physical and energetic bodies. Goddess The sacred bath water will be infused with the essence of three sacred Ganga waters. Petals of flowers carefully selected in accordance with each guests Shakti astrology and Karma charts, infusing it with specific energetic vibrations tailored to their unique essence.

After the initial ceremony, there is a dedicated worship ritual lasting for 25 minutes, specifically designed to invoke the divine grace of Goddess Kali. This ritual is a sacred and focused practice, where participants come together in reverence and devotion. The atmosphere during these moments is charged with spiritual energy, as prayers and offerings are made to the powerful deity.

The worship ritual follows a traditional format, guided by chants, hymns, and rituals passed down through generations. Participants often light incense and lamps, symbolizing the illumination of divine wisdom and the dispelling of darkness. Flowers, fruits, and other symbolic offerings are presented as gestures of devotion and gratitude.

The chanting of sacred mantras fills the space, creating a deep sense of connection with the divine. Each syllable uttered is believed to carry profound meaning and significance, aligning the mind and spirit with the energy of Goddess Kali. The rhythmic recitation of these mantras creates a meditative atmosphere, allowing participants to enter a state of heightened awareness and spiritual communion.

Throughout the worship ritual, devotees focus their thoughts and intentions on invoking Goddess Kali’s blessings, seeking her protection, strength, and guidance in cleansing the past auras lives. It is a time of profound spiritual engagement, where the boundaries between the material and the divine seem to blur, and the presence of the goddess is felt in every aspect of the ceremony.

A Goddess Guest, at the Shakti Aura Cleansing Ceremony” Goa India 2020
  • Prepare a journal or notepad for this ritual. Light an orange candle, symbolizing the sacral chakra, which is associated with sexuality and emotions.
  • In a small notebook journal, you will write the names of each past sexual partner, including same-sex partners, as well as any instances of molestation or rape from your past. If you cannot recall their names, you may use locations, dates, or other identifiable markers to represent them.
  • Once you have completed writing down the names or markers, I will then translate those names into Sanskrit, an ancient language rich in energy healing powers. This process will bring awareness to your past experiences and engage in a reflective and healing process.
  • Begin by writing down the names or markers of each past sexual partner in your small notebook journal. Take it step by step, starting with the first partner you had in your life and moving forward chronologically from there.
  • As you write down each name or marker, allow yourself to recall the experiences and emotions associated with them. This exercise is not just about listing names; it’s about delving into your past with honesty and self-awareness. Acknowledge any feelings that arise during this process, whether they are positive, negative, or mixed.
  • By engaging in this reflective exercise, you are taking an important step towards understanding and healing from past experiences. Remember to be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time and space you need to process these emotions.
  • In this sacred ritual, we will delve into the depths of your feminine Shakti emotions and past connections with disturbed masculine through certain inquiries.
  • What made me like this person?
  • Why did this person like me?
  • How did I feel afterward?
  • How did they feel afterward?
  • What did I gain from this experience?

This ritual can be completed within a timeframe ranging from one to three days, and I recommend finishing it within three days. You can choose to focus on one person per day or address several individuals. The duration depends on the emotional depth and the time available. It’s essential not to rush through this process; maintain complete focus without any interruptions. Stay present in the moment while also reflecting on past experiences.

  • Write your ex-lover’s first name on a small piece of paper.
  • Use the flame from an orange candle to burn the name.
  • Focus on the smoke that arises from the burning name.
  • Lie down and place your hand on your sacral chakra (two inches below your belly button). In every sacred ritual of energy healing, it’s important to acknowledge the balance of feminine and masculine energies, often symbolized as Shakti and Shiva. As part of this practice, I will place my hand on your sacral chakra while chanting the Shakti mantras with a sound bowl. This ensures a harmonious alignment of energies during the healing process.
  • Visualize the smoke from the burning name dissipating from your energy field.
  • Mentally affirm, “I release the aura and energy of [ex-lover’s name].”
  • Imagine the smoke rising away from your hand and body.
  • Remain in this position for about 5 minutes.
  • If you receive any intuitive thoughts or visions, record them in your journal.
  • Repeat these steps for each ex-lover’s name until you’ve released all of them.
Closing Ritual
A Goddess guest receives the sacred blessing of Shakti healing through a transformative massage experience in the closing ritual of Shakti Aura Cleansing Ceremony.

As a facilitator of sacred healing rituals, I conclude our session with a deeply transformative closing ritual that incorporates the sacred art of Shakti massage. The massage is a culmination of our journey together. I infuse each touch with intention and reverence for your divine feminine energy.

Before beginning the massage, I create a serene ambiance, ensuring that the space is filled with soothing music, soft lighting, and a comfortable setting. I invite you, my cherished Goddess Guest, to lie down on a cozy massage table or cushions, allowing yourself to fully surrender and embrace the healing experience.

As I warm a natural blend of oils in my hands, I infuse them with the intention of healing, love, and empowerment. With each stroke and movement, I focus on releasing any residual tension or energetic blockages from your body and aura. My touch is gentle yet firm, intuitively navigating areas of tension and inviting emotional release.

Throughout the massage, I visualize your aura glowing with vibrant energy, cleansing and revitalizing with every nurturing touch. I incorporate various techniques such as long, soothing strokes, gentle kneading, and targeted pressure points to promote relaxation, energy flow, and deep healing.

Silently, I offer affirmations of love, healing, and empowerment, guiding you into a state of profound relaxation and inner harmony. As the massage concludes, you bask in the afterglow of the sacred experience.

With gratitude for our shared journey and the trust you’ve placed in me, I offer any additional support, guidance, or insights that may arise from our session. This closing ritual with the sacred massage is a testament to the profound healing power of touch and intention, leaving you feeling nurtured, renewed, and deeply connected to your divine feminine essence.

Goddesses can also engage in this ritual together within a long-term relationship, coupled with open conversation about each partner’s experiences, questions, and healing, can foster a deep sense of unity and understanding. While it may initially be challenging to discuss past partners, doing so can enrich your relationship and provide insights into each other’s programming, patterns, and actions. This shared exploration can lead to a newfound appreciation and closeness between partners.

Understanding that we often carry pain from past experiences into new ones, using it as a defense mechanism, is a valuable insight. Through Shakti cleansing and this newfound awareness, you and your partner can support and nurture each other. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, embrace this opportunity for a symbolic rebirth, akin to reclaiming your “virginity” in a spiritual sense.

Feel free to reuse any content from this post, and kindly credit it as follows: “Content courtesy of Sunjoy Whether it’s for sharing inspiration, spreading knowledge, or acknowledging the essence of the Divine Feminine Shakti as a source of guidance and empowerment. Let us honour and celebrate the Shakti within us as we journey towards enlightenment and self-discovery together.🌸

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